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REN People's Building, Shanghai, China


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REN People's Building in China
Key Data
World Expo site, Shanghai, China
Completion Date
Estimated Investment
REN building: 50,000m²
Additional buildings: 500,000m²
Full specifications

The REN building is a proposal for a hotel, leisure and conference centre for the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai. The building is conceived as two buildings merging into one.

The first building, emerging from the water, is devoted to the activities of the body and houses a water culture centre.
The second building, emerging from land, is devoted to spirit and enlightenment and houses the conference centre and meeting facilities.
The two buildings meet in a 1,000-room hotel and form the Chinese character for 'People', becoming a recognisable landmark for the World Expo in China.
Together, the two buildings become a tower and an arch at once. The arch defines a square for gatherings and activities, exactly on the main axis of the expo site overlooking the HuangPu River. The square is sheltered from the rain but allows sunlight through, from the east in the morning and from the west in the evening.
Large curved plazas border the pool and conference buildings, creating a continuous recreational public space along the river. Round openings and skylights bring light to the auditoriums and pools and gradually become denser as they rise from the river, eventually becoming windows and terraces for the hotel rooms.
The project questions whether architecture can embody the schizophrenic political identity of the People's Republic of China at once: Tao, Mao and Capitalism.
"The REN building could be the Eiffel Tower of Shanghai."
A modernist slab is cleaved in two, forming the Chinese character for 'People'. The principle of Yin Yang and the five elements of Feng Shui are embedded in the architecture, creating a link between the ancient wisdom and the contemporary euphoria of Chinese culture.
The REN building could be the Eiffel Tower of Shanghai, a landmark symbolising the people-oriented pursuit of the Shanghai Expo 2010.

The REN building is a proposal for a hotel, leisure and conference centre for the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai.

REN People's Building arch design

 The arch defines a square for gatherings and activities, exactly on the main axis of the expo site overlooking the HuangPu River.


Water Building Resort: menghasilkan listrik dan juga air sendiri


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Walaupun Water Building Resort yang didisain oleh Deurrutia masih sebatas konsep tetapi disain dan teknologi yang ada pasti membuat kita berdecak kagum dan bukannya tidak mungkin bangunan seperti ini akan segera hadir di muka bumi.
Dengan mengambil bentuk seperti sebuah tetesan air (water droplet), gedung ini bukan saja dapat menghasilkan sumber energi sendiri melalui panel surya yang ada tetapi juga bisa menghasilkan air.
Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listriknya, di bagian sisi Selatan, dinding lapisan luar dipasang panel surya (glass photovoltaic) yang bisa menghasilkan energi listrik untuk kebutuhan listrik di gedung ini.
Bagian Utara dibangun sebuah dinding berbentuk kisi-kisi (kattice) untuk "mengangkap" udara dan mengubahnya menjadi air bersih. Teknologi pengubahan udara menjadi air ini menggunakan teknologi TeexMicron.
Kebutuhan air bersih untuk gedung ini didapat dari 3 sumber yaitu udara, menyaring air laut dan menampung air hujan (rain harvesting).
Konsep Water Building Resort ini sendiri bisa digunakan untuk hotel, restoran, aquarium raksasa yang terletak di bagian dasar, ruang pamer (exhibition hall) dan lainnya.
Kapan dan dimana? Sayang belum ada informasinya. :-)


sample building


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